

“Nurturing a seed, and seeing it blooming into a beautiful flower is a dream that is near to our hearts.”

Children are the asset of our Nation and making the asset a valuable treasure, school environment and teachers plays a vital role.

Pre Primary School education is the foundation for lifelong learning experience and starting point for formal education.

At Laxmi Public School, we stride to prepare the kids for future ready. The School focuses on building up of cognitive, social, motor and aesthetic skills in each child. For this we believe in creating environment that not only stimulates the young minds but also caters for developing various skills.

Teaching in our School is not confined to the four walls of the classroom but is much more beyond that. Our specially designed classrooms having a comforting and lively ambience to nurture the imagination of our young learners through a unique method of “Learning by doing ”.

Various types of fun-filled worksheets at regular intervals are given to develop their skills such Cognitive, Motor, Social, Aesthetic etc.

Computer is a need of the day. Our children are introduced to computers at grassroot level onwards and are taken to Computer Lab frequently to make them Computer Savvy.

Special activities like Sports Day, Rhyme Recitation, Fancy Dress Show, Yogic Exercise, Puppet Show, Magic Show etc. are conducted to provide a fun filled learning atmosphere for the Children.

Here, at Laxmi Public School we are committed to make every child feel special, loved and cared by exposing them to stimulating experiences which promotes in the holistic growth and development of the child.


We at Laxmi Public School strongly believe in respecting the individuality and multiple intelligence acquired by our children. We believe that every child is special and needs attention and care that will make him/her a unique and socially contributing individual.

With the promise of providing best guidance to our children to excel in various fields which is possible only by providing them an atmosphere in which a child can exhibit his/her ability of – curiosity, inquiry, explore, question, observe etc. and by offering them a wide variety of subjects such as English, Hindi, Maths, S.ST., Science, Computer, Moral Values, General Knowledge, Art & Craft etc. 

To make learning a fun filled experience, children are involved personally in doing plethora of activities such as Music, Dance, Art and Craft, Drawing, Colouring, Yoga, Judo, Skating, Games and Sports etc.

Various skills are also developed by giving fun filled worksheets at regular intervals.

To explore the outer world and to give the first hands on experience children are taken to Educational Trips regularly.

To inculcate the ethical and traditional values in our kids, “Special Assemblies” are also conducted on the occasion of various festivals and is a regular feature for our primary children.

Our Primary School curriculum is designed in a way which is a stepping stone in a child’s bright future. Its approach is holistic in which children work and play in groups and learn to respect each other. The curriculum is characterized by many features which includes real life problem solving amongst peers with many opportunities for creative thinking, exploring and demonstrating learning in multiple ways.


Providing quality education and making the students fully competent to come up to the highest level of expectation has always been the prime focus of the school.

At Middle Level, we lay emphasis on child centered system which explores not only the intellectual abilities but spiritual, emotional and physical dimensions also.

The seeds of sound reasoning and overall development of academic rigor and discipline are sown at the primary level. With a greater ability for abstract thinking, they begin to bear fruit now. The focus on enquiry-based learning continues, as do the parallel in-depth explorations of subjects, which culminates into integrated products. Assessments are not based merely on subject knowledge, but also on researching, organizing, presentation and application skills. 

We firmly believe in continuous and comprehensive approach in this ever changing pattern of education.


“Achievements, accomplishments and success starts with a thought or an idea. When nourished with hope and confidence, that single idea takes the shape of a dream or a vision and then ultimately culminates into a goal.”

At this level students are offered with different combinations of subjects in – Science, Commerce and Humanities Stream to prepare our students to gear up for various competitive exams. Our school provides plethora of opportunities to students which enables them to explore their igneous strength. No doubt, the school has a wider vision to provide a platform to the students to increase global awareness and to make education interactive to excel in their area of interest for their bright career.

The following subjects are offered under different streams.
1 English English English
2 Physics Business Studies Sociology
3 Chemistry Mathematics Political Science
4 Mathematics Economics Economics
5 Computer Science Accountancy Hindi
6 Biology Informatics Practices Informatics Practices
7 Physical Education   Physical Education


Curriculum for the Academic Year 2022-23, check